Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Random Pics

Since I have been bad about updating on a regular basis for the past 6 weeks or so, I will take the most boring route and throw a bunch of pictures out here for the far off relatives and readers who like to watch my kids grow up.  For all the rest of you - feel free to skip this one (although I have to tell you - I don't really trust anyone who doesn't think I have great kids!)

 We have been doing a lot of swimming (at other's houses and at ours)
Swimming and diving....
Or doing something fearless off the diving board (this kid couldn't swim last year and hasn't had any lessons to change that but has managed to pick up enough skills to keep from drowning)
Or trying to drown themselves (or look at the bottom - whatever....)
and doing it all with great friends and neighbors!
So, have I mentioned that we are adopting from Bulgaria?  Well this is what sealed the deal for Eric - I sip (shot?) of Bulgarian brandy.  He decided he must visit and bring home a child from a country that can make something smell so sweet and taste so awful wonderful.  (please read that with LOTS of sarcasm)
 He did like the beer though (actually I think one of those is Ukrainian - but we love that country too)
Never did figure out why my daughter decided to dress up as a flamingo for an afternoon.  She ran around the neighborhood looking like this.  Hmmmm.....

So I mentioned that we were in the midst of 4-h madness (and lovin' almost every minute of it.)  This is Hank getting hosed down before a little walk.

Uncle Brian (my baby brother) plays "judge" and helps Michael learn a thing or two before show day.

We waited at a pharmacy for several hours so each of the kids could get physicals and our two bio kids could have their TB tests read for the homestudy.  Joseph and Jonathan test positive for TB and have been x-rayed (negative) and treated with 6 months of antibiotics so they are in the clear.  The kids were actually very good and we got through them quickly.

Aren't they sweet?  Jonathan was in trouble (again) and not able to join in the fun.  It's been a rough summer for that little monster.

 Looking through pics on Michael's camera to see if he had any shots for his poster - notice how my mom's head is turned away - she did that as soon as I came over to take a group shot :)


Guess who just mailed off her homestudy paperwork?  Yep - that would be me!!  We are on our way.  Unfortunately the next two weeks are completely booked  and a majority of our family will be away from home so the actual home visit will have to wait until at least the last week of July but boy is it a relief to get the part that I can control done.


That pile of papers in the corner (covering the return address to maintain some privacy) are my copies of the documents.

Now we wait - and gear up for all the fun of the next two weeks.  A well known fact about me (and my kids and extended family) is that we are fair rats.  Absolutely love hanging out at the fair, watching the shows, and catching up with friends.  This year is Michael's first year of "real" 4-H and so we have spent this week finishing up books and projects between morning and afternoon trips to the barn.  (And of course getting physicals and fingerprints for my  homestudy - did I mention I got that done?!)  Our dining room is 4-H central right now - which is fairly inconvenient since it is stinking hot out there and it would be kind of nice to eat inside. 

We have poster board and pictures for photography, an electric circuit board, and 5 4-H manuals in here, a bird feeder and model for Joseph's mini 4-H, a pillow and friendship bracelet making stuff for Charity's mini 4-H plus in the lower right hand corner is all my adoption paperwork - but that pile is greatly diminished now that I mailed off the homestudy paperwork - not sure I have told you all that interesting bit of news yet.

Our goal is to get his photography project done tomorrow and then we will be done until Saturday.  He will mix up his cookie dough and stick it in the freezer so that he can slice and bake them when he gets back from camp - the day before the fair starts.  That's right ladies and gentlemen - my kids go to camp the week before the fair.  Now for those of you who have never done 4-H this might not sound like that big of deal - and really it doesn't have to be.  However, I am a procrastinator and it took a good deal of work and discipline on my part to pull off getting projects done a week early instead of an hour early.  

So the three older kids leave for camp on Sunday afternoon and I leave for a hiking trip (just me and 4 friends - HOW MUCH FUN IS THAT?!)  to Colorado on Sunday evening.  After this week I think I'll need it.  But, at least I got my homestudy mailed off....