Saturday, July 21, 2007

Welcome Olivia!

Just wanted to introduce you to the newest member of our family! Charity has been campaigning hard for a year to get a dog. She really wanted a poodle but apparently the key for her was small and fluffy (the key for me was NO SHEDDING!!!) So today, Eric and I surprised her with this little fur-ball. Eric actually surprised me with it and then let me be in on the surprise to Cheech. She has been named "Olivia". Our previous dog was named "Oliver". Obviously creativity does not run deep in our family. She is a "morkie", aka maltese/yorkie mix. She is 18 wks old and weighs 2.9 lbs. They told us she will get to about 6-8 lbs. So she's basically a glorified cat. That's my kind of dog!! She will make her debut to the public tomorrow at the Pet Parade. I know I haven't posted much this month but we all know I won't be fixing that this week. We are definite fair rats (except for Eric who could care less about the fair - weirdo) so we will be away from the computer for a week. Enjoy these pics though. I'll have many more after the fair! Oh - Michael wasn't left out today - Eric decided to get him a go-kart!! That will make for some fun pics to show you too!

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